Tutorials for Excel, Outlook and Google Sheets, page 8

How to find top or bottom N values in Excel

Want to identify the highest or lowest values in a column or row? Need to return not only the values themselves but their names too? With this tutorial, you will learn how to find top 3, 5, 10 or n values in a dataset and retrieve matching data. Continue reading

Excel IF statement for partial text match (wildcard)

Trying to build an IF statement with wildcard text, but it fails every time? The problem is not in your formula but in the function itself - Excel IF does not support wildcard characters. However, there is a way to get it to work for partial text match, and this tutorial will teach you how. Continue reading

How to create, change and remove border in Excel

Sometimes Excel worksheets can be difficult to read because of dense information and complex structure. Adding borders around cells can help you distinguish different sections, emphasize certain data, and make your worksheets better presentable and more attractive. Continue reading

How to get random sample in Excel without duplicates

A while ago, we described a few different ways to randomly select in Excel. Most of those solutions rely on the RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions, which may generate duplicate numbers. If you need a random selection without duplicates, then use the approaches described in this tutorial. Continue reading

Excel dynamic arrays, functions and formulas

Due to the revolutionary update in the Excel 365 calculation engine, array formulas become very straightforward and understandable for everyone, not just for super users. The tutorial explains what dynamic arrays are, and how they can make your worksheets more efficient. Continue reading

Excel FILTER function with formula examples

The introduction of the FILTER function in Excel 365 has become a long-awaited alternative to the conventional methods. Unlike the Filter feature that needs to be re-applied with each data change, Excel formulas recalculate automatically, so you need to set up your filter just once! Continue reading

UNIQUE function - quick way to find unique values in Excel

In the previous versions of Excel, getting a list of unique values was a hard challenge. The introduction of the UNIQUE function in Excel 365 has changed everything! Now, you don't need to be a formula expert to get unique values from a range, based on one or multiple criteria, and sort the results in alphabetical order. Continue reading