IF AND formula in Excel

The tutorial shows how to use IF together with the AND function in Excel to check multiple conditions in one formula.

Some things in the world are finite. Others are infinite, and the IF function seems to be one of such things. On our blog, we already have a handful of Excel IF tutorials and still discover new uses every day. Today, we are going to look at how you can use IF together with the AND function to evaluate two or more conditions at the same time.

IF AND statement in Excel

In order to build the IF AND statement, you obviously need to combine the IF and AND functions in one formula. Here's how:

IF(AND(condition1, condition2,…), value_if_true, value_if_false)

Translated into plain English, the formula reads as follows: IF condition 1 is true AND condition 2 is true, do one thing, otherwise do something else.

As an example, let's make a formula that checks if B2 is "delivered" and C2 is not empty, and depending on the results, does one of the following:

  • If both conditions are TRUE, mark the order as "Closed".
  • If either condition is FALSE or both are FALSE, then return an empty string ("").

=IF(AND(B2="delivered", C2<>""), "Closed", "")

The screenshot below shows the IF AND function in Excel:
IF AND statement in Excel

If you'd like to return some value in case the logical test evaluates to FALSE, supply that value in the value_if_false argument. For example:

=IF(AND(B2="delivered", C2<>""), "Closed", "Open")

The modified formula outputs "Closed" if column B is "delivered" and C has any date in it (non-blank). In all other cases, it returns "Open":
IF AND formula in Excel

Note. When using an IF AND formula in Excel to evaluate text conditions, please keep in mind that lowercase and uppercase are treated as the same character. If you are looking for a case-sensitive IF AND formula, wrap one or more arguments of AND into the EXACT function as it is done in the linked example.

Now that you know the syntax of the Excel IF AND statement, let me show you what kind of tasks it can solve.

Excel IF: greater than AND less than

In the previous example, we were testing two conditions in two different cells. But sometimes you may need to run two or more tests on the same cell. A typical example is checking if a cell value is between two numbers. The Excel IF AND function can easily do that too!

Let's say you have some sales numbers in column B and you are requested to flag the amounts greater than $50 but less than $100. To have it done, insert this formula in C2 and then copy it down the column:

=IF(AND(B2>50, B2<100), "x", "")
IF formula to check the 'greater than AND less than' condition

If you need to include the boundary values (50 and 100), use the less than or equal to operator (<=) and greater than or equal to (>=) operator:

=IF(AND(B2>=50, B2<=100), "x", "")
Find values between two numbers, including the boundary values.

To process some other boundary values without changing the formula, enter the minimum and maximum numbers in two separate cells and refer to those cells in your formula. For the formula to work correctly in all the rows, be sure to use absolute references for the boundary cells ($F$1 and $F$2 in our case):

=IF(AND(B2>=$F$1, B2<=$F$2), "x", "")
IF AND formula to flag values between the specified numbers

By using a similar formula, you can check if a date falls within a specified range.

For example, let's flag dates between 10-Sep-2018 and 30-Sep-2018, inclusive. A small hurdle is that dates cannot be supplied to the logical tests directly. For Excel to understand the dates, they should be enclosed in the DATEVALUE function, like this:

=IF(AND(B2>=DATEVALUE("9/10/2018"), B2<=DATEVALUE("9/30/2018")), "x", "")

Or simply input the From and To dates in two cells ($F$1 and $F$2 in this example) and "pull" them from those cells by using the already familiar IF AND formula:

=IF(AND(B2>=$F$1, B2<=$F$2), "x", "")
IF AND formula to find dates that fall within a specified range

For more information, please see Excel IF statement between two numbers or dates.

IF this AND that, then calculate something

Apart from returning predefined values, the Excel IF AND function can also perform different calculations depending on whether the specified conditions are TRUE or FALSE.

To demonstrate the approach, we will be calculating a bonus of 5% for "Closed" sales with the amount greater than or equal to $100.

Assuming the amount is in column B and the order status in column C, the formula goes as follows:

=IF(AND(B2>=100, C2="closed"), B2*10%, 0)
If the specified conditions are TRUE, then calculate something

The above formula assigns zero to the rest of the orders (value_if_false = 0). If you are willing to give a small stimulating bonus, say 3%, to orders that do not meet the conditions, include the corresponding equation in the value_if_false argument:

=IF(AND(B2>=100, C2="closed"), B2*10%, B2*3%)
IF AND formula to perform different calculations depending on whether the conditions are TRUE or FALSE

Multiple IF AND statements in Excel

As you may have noticed, we have evaluated only two criteria in all the above examples. But there is nothing that would prevent you from including three and more tests in your IF AND formulas as long as they comply with these general limitations of Excel:

  • In Excel 2007 and higher, up to 255 arguments can be used in a formula, with a total formula length not exceeding 8,192 characters.
  • In Excel 2003 and lower, no more than 30 arguments are allowed, with a total length not exceeding 1,024 characters.

As an example of multiple AND conditions, please consider these ones:

  • Amount (B2) should be greater than or equal to $100
  • Order status (C2) is "Closed"
  • Delivery date (D2) is within the current month

Now, we need an IF AND statement to identify the orders for which all 3 conditions are TRUE. And here it is:

=IF(AND(B2>=100, C2="Closed", MONTH(D2)=MONTH(TODAY())), "x", "")

Given that the 'current month' at the moment of writing was October, the formula delivers the below results:
Multiple IF AND statements in Excel

Nested IF AND statements

When working with large worksheets, chances are that you may be required to check a few sets of different AND criteria at a time. For this, you take a classic Excel nested IF formula and extend its logical tests with AND statements, like this:

IF(AND(…), output1, IF(AND(…), output2, IF(AND(…), output3, output4)))

To get the general idea, please look at the following example.

Supposing you want to rate your service based on the shipment cost and estimated time of delivery (ETD):

  • Excellent: shipment cost under $20 and ETD under 3 days
  • Poor: shipment cost over $30 and ETD over 5 days
  • Average: anything in between

To get it done, you write two individual IF AND statements:

IF(AND(B2<20, C2<3), "Excellent", …)

IF(AND(B2>30, C2>5), "Poor", …)

…and nest one into the other:

=IF(AND(B2>30, C2>5), "Poor", IF(AND(B2<20, C2<3), "Excellent", "Average"))

The result will look similar to this:
Nested IF AND statements

More formula examples can be found in Excel nested IF AND statements.

Case-sensitive IF AND function in Excel

As mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, Excel IF AND formulas do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters because the AND function is case-insensitive by nature.

If you are working with case-sensitive data and want to evaluate AND conditions taking into account the text case, do each individual logical test inside the EXACT function and nest those functions into your AND statement:

IF(AND(EXACT(cell,"condition1"), EXACT(cell,"condition2")), value_if_true, value_if_false)

For this example, we are going to flag orders of a specific customer (e.g. the company named Cyberspace) with an amount exceeding a certain number, say $100.

As you can see in the below screenshot, some company names in column B look the same excerpt the characters case, and nevertheless they are different companies, so we have to check the names exactly. The amounts in column C are numbers, and we run a regular "greater than" test for them:

=IF(AND(EXACT(B2, "Cyberspace"), C2>100), "x", "")

To make the formula more flexible, you can input the target customer name and amount in two separate cells and refer to those cells. Just remember to lock the cell references with $ sign ($G$1 and $G$2 in our case) so they won't change when you copy the formula to other rows:

=IF(AND(EXACT(B2, $G$1), C2>$G$2), "x", "")

Now, you can type any name and amount in the referenced cells, and the formula will flag the corresponding orders in your table:
Case-sensitive IF AND function in Excel

IF OR AND formula in Excel

In Excel IF formulas, you are not limited to using only one logical function. To check various combinations of multiple conditions, you are free to combine the IF, AND, OR and other functions to run the required logical tests. Here is an example of IF AND OR formula that tests a couple of OR conditions within AND. And now, I will show you how you can do two or more AND tests within the OR function.

Supposing, you wish to mark the orders of two customers with an amount greater than a certain number, say $100.

In the Excel language, our conditions are expressed in this way:

OR(AND(Customer1, Amount>100), AND(Customer2, Amount>100)

Assuming the customer names are in column B, amounts in column C, the 2 target names are in G1 and G2, and the target amount is in G3, you use this formula to mark the corresponding orders with "x":

=IF(OR(AND(B2=$G$1, C2>$G$3), AND(B2=$G$2, C2>$G$3)), "x", "")

The same results can be achieved with a more compact syntax:

=IF(AND(OR(B2=$G$1,B2= $G$2), C2>$G$3), "x", "")

IF AND OR formula in Excel

Not sure you totally understand the formula's logic? More information can be found in Excel IF with multiple AND/OR conditions.

That's how you use the IF and AND functions together in Excel. Thank you for reading and see you next week!

Practice workbook

IF AND Excel – formula examples (.xlsx file)


  1. I am hoping to get the IF(AND) FORMULA FOR 30+10=36. BUT 30 + 5=35 ALL AS THE SAME FORMULA

  2. Hello Everyone,

    It’s my first time here, so I would like to thank everyone in advance for bearing with me and helping me out.

    Here’s what I’m trying to do … in as simple terms as I can explain … the problem is much complex …

    Client has to pay $30,000 (or whatever)
    He has 10 months to pay (or whatever)
    His monthly payment amount is consistent
    How do I calculate his last payment using a formula?

    Since I can’t post a spread sheet – here’s how I have it setup

    --- A3 TO B14 ---
    PAYMENT 10

    --- B3 TO B7 ---


    I’m usually pretty good at performing my own research for excel problems, but I’ve really been stuck on this one for a while – I’ve tried many different formulas, possibilities … but I can’t seem to figure it out ….

    In advance, please be nice … I’m no expert at excel.

  3. Hi,

    My excel query,
    Not sure I'm in right excel forum but anyway...

    Column 1 has 4 possible outcomes for a predicted blood group for a fetus, each one selected from a drop down box :
    Pos, neg, inconclusive, rejected

    Column 2 has actual blood group results when baby is born : pos,neg, unknown.
    How do i find out total number of predicted pos outcomes from A which have an unknown outcome in B.

  4. Hello sir
    I want to assign zero to above 0.5 and below 0.2
    I am using the formula
    please help me to write the correct one
    thanks and regards

    • Hi!
      All the necessary information is in the article above. Change the numbers in the formula and don't use quotation marks. Read the manual carefully.

  5. I want to give more than 0.85 and less than 0.02 to the zero else same value is it right ?????


  6. I need help with a formula, an IF formula i think. What i want to do is have a Cost cell change every time cells above it are changed. The cells above are on a dropdown. The drop down options are listed way below in the sheet so I can link those. I got it to work if its one option, but when I add multiple it doesnt work. I dont want the result to be Pass, or fail or a word, it needs to be a formula, for example, if cell A is changed to 2500 on the dropdown, the changing cell is decreased by 4% (.96). I am not sure if this makes sense but any help would be appreciated.

  7. Hi, Really new to excel and trying to get this formula to work. Not sure if I'm even on the right track.


    I've been searching this site for help, but not sure I'm even in the right area.

    Thanks so much

  8. Hi,

    Here is my formula which actually works:
    =IF($H8="","",IF($H8=TODAY(),"Due Today",IF($H8TODAY()+15,"On Track",IF($H8>TODAY(),"Anticipated Past Due","")))))

    However, I need to add another condition which even if one of the above condition has been met but another cell (let us say L8) is not empty then the result should be Closed.

    How can I add that in the formula?

  9. Good morning,

    I'm trying to write a formula that completes the VLOOKUP calculation and not returning TRUE value:

    =IF($A$7="F30/28z Louvre",AND(C7>=1),D7-VLOOKUP(A7,Louvre_table,4)*2+20.1)

    Cell A7 has a drop down list of 4 different items, as seen above one is "F30/28z Louvre", if this is selected do the calculation:
    D7-VLOOKUP(A7,Louvre_table,4)*2+20.1) for the 3 other items I need to do this calculation: D7-VLOOKUP(A7,Louvre_table,4)*2+5.1)

    Hopefully you will be able to help, Thank you.

    • Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF($A$7="F30/28z Louvre",D7-VLOOKUP(A7,Louvre_table,4)*2+20.1, D7-VLOOKUP(A7,Louvre_table,4)*2+5.1)

      I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets.

      • Alexander,

        Thank you so much, I was trying everything and getting frustrated by adding to many variables & boom you solved it, Thank you.

  10. I am trying to write a condition that has 7 criterias. if all criteria are YES or a combination of YES or N/A then it will return "Completed" if blank or NO it will return "Not Completed"

  11. Hello- what formula would I need to write if I want to find all the workers that have the same primary and secondary skills? If I need all workers for example that have network skills, I would see that James, Bill, Bob and David have network skills. I have a list of about 200 employees. Can you assist?

    Employee Primary Skill Secondary Skill
    James Network
    Bill Firewall Network
    Bob Automation Network
    David Network Firewall
    Robert Data UC

  12. I need help with the below: I am looking for a formula that will compare phone numbers. There are 2 phone numbers that are internal numbers which will require no speed dialing because they are internal numbers but all other numbers will require the user to dial a 9 and the number.

    If the numbers are not, then a 9 is needed in front of the number to dial out. Can anyone help me with this formula?

      • I am looking for a formula (likely an if and then statement) that will state if phone numbers with these first 6 numbers of: 717332xxxx and 717840xxxx are found, we will do nothing but if they are not found in my list of phone number entries, we need to add a number 9 in front of the other numbers for speed dialing.

        So if 717424xxxx is not part of the 717332xxxx and 717840xxxx, I need to add a 9 in front of 717424xxxx.

        This is close below but there may be something I am doing incorrectly because I need it to add a 9 in front of the formula for all other numbers.

        =IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"717332","717840"},A1)),"No Speed Dial",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("other",A1)),"Speed Dial"))

        • Hello!
          Use the ISNUMBER function to determine when the SEARCH function finds a text string.
          Please try the following formula:

          =IF(SUM(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"717332","717840"},A1)))>0,"No Speed Dial","Speed Dial")

          Hope this is what you need.

  13. Hello - I am trying to code some events as occurring on workdays (daytime events Monday-Friday, evening events Monday-Thursday) and some events as occurring on weekends (evening events on Fridays, daytime and evening events on Saturdays and Sundays). My dataset has one column with a date in mm/dd/yyyy (column J) and one column with a "time type" - either Day or Evening (column O) that's coded with the timevalue formula.

    I'm able to get a formula that mostly works, but it doesn't capture the fact that Mon-Thurs evenings are workdays.

    For row 279, for example: =IF(AND(WEEKDAY(J279,2)<=5,O279="Day"),"Workday","Weekend")
    *this returns "Weekend" for every single evening event

    I did try an amended formula but it returns inverse results (workday when I want weekend and weekend when I want workday).

    I'm trying to play around with this and would love any advice. Thank you.

    • Hi!
      Here is an example formula for your problem. Read carefully the last paragraph of the article above.

      =IF(OR(AND(WEEKDAY(A1,3)<=4,F1="Day"), AND(WEEKDAY(A1,3)<=3,F1="Evening")), "Workday","Weekend")

      • Thank you so much - all set now, and have a new formula structure to use going forward!

      • Hi What i want is:

        I have two tables

        First Table contains Address of several person from different countries
        Another Table is having different country names like below

        Table A

        Column A Column B
        Alexender, Turkey
        Alexander, China
        Alexander, South Africa
        Alexander, South America
        Alexander, North America

        Table B
        Column A
        South Africa
        North America
        South America

        Now our formulae should value of column Table B from Table A Column A and the matching country name should be reflected in the Column B of Table A like below results in Column B of Table A

        South Africa
        South America
        North America

        Is it possible ?

        • Hi! I’m not sure I got you right since the description you provided is not entirely clear. If you want to get the name of the country from the text, use the MID function to extract the text after the decimal point.


          You can also use the new TEXTAFTER function

          =TEXTAFTER(A2,", ")

  14. Hi there,

    I am trying to write a nested IF(AND) formula as follows but its not working for me:

    What am I doing wrong here please?

    Thankyou, Rosie

    • Nevermind - I worked it out:


    • Hi!
      Please use the formula below:


      Conditions in an AND statement must be enclosed in parentheses.

  15. Hi

    I've created the following formula below


    I would like to add to the formula so that if R6=1,W6 is any number except "99" and X6="P" then it should return a 1, I was trying to use "99" to include every number except 99 but the formula doesn't appear to work.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks


    • Hi!
      Adds another condition to the nested IF statements.
      The formula below will do the trick for you:

      =IF(AND(R6=2,W6=99,X6="R"),4, IF(AND(R6=1,W6=99,X6="R"),2, IF(AND(R6=3,W6=99,X6="R"),9, IF(AND(R6=1,ISNUMBER(W6),W6<>99,X6="R"),1,))))

      • Thank you so much Alexander, you're a star!

  16. I want to test if a cell (text) in columns B:I aligns with the cell (text) in column A.


    If 1 cell text in B:I aligns with cell text in A, and all other cells in B:I are blank = TRUE

    If >1 cell text in B:I aligns with cell text in A, and all other cells in B:I are blank = TRUE

    If any cell text in B:I does not align with cell text in A = FALSE

    Thank you!

      • Yes - that is exactly what I was after. Thanks so much for your help, Alexander!

  17. Hello

    I am trying to create a formula so that the following information auto populates

    IF D3=1 day, then "Monthly", IF D3=180days, then "Bi-Weekly", IF D3=270days, then "Weekly". Below is the formula I used but whenever I try to input it, it says that I've put too many arguments in one function. Could you please help?


    When I use the formula without the quote marks
    Then it says FALSE.

  18. Hi sir, I would like to compare data between the number percentage
    I'm using this
    =IF(AND(0%<=W143<=10.99%),"Class 1",IF(AND(11%<=W143<=20.99%),"Class 2",IF(AND(21%<=W143=30.1%,),"Class 4",""))))

    So example if my data is 31%, it should be showing me Class 4 instead of blank
    And When i drag to other cell, it all show blank too
    Exp: 19.9% showing blank too instead of Class 2

    Hope you can help me!

  19. Hi, Please can you help me, I am trying to add this formula, can you help.

    =IF(I7>30,265, IF(I7>100,530,IF(I7>200,795, IF(I7>300,1060,IF(>400,1325,)))))


  20. IF(AND(LEN(D48)0,LEN(C48)0,D48=C48),"ON TIME",IF(AND(LEN(D48)0,LEN(C47)0,D48>C48),"DELAY",IF(AND(LEN(D48)0,LEN(C47)0,D48<C48),"BEFORE TIME"))), This formula is depend on actual end date
    This formula I used to get status of one process, but now I want to use for overall project if the first process is delay then overall project status will be delay if one process completed and second process is before time then project status will be before time, like that there are 5 process in each project so how can I do it

  21. I've been trying to use the IF+AND Function to know if my Focus Data is equal to the Accepted data, Y/N. However, after manually checking, it always comes up with a No despite it being a Yes instead.

    My formula is =IF(AND(K2=B2:B186,L2=D2:D186),"Yes","No")

    My Focus data are found in Columns K and L. The Accepted Data is found in Columns B and D.

    -I already converted the data to all of these cells to values but it is the same.
    -There are duplicate values in the columns except the data found in Column L. Data in Column L are unique.

    • Hi!
      The condition K2=B2:B186 returns an array of 185 TRUE/FALSE values. The IF function does not work with arrays. To determine at least one match of K2 with a list of values, you can use SUM(--(K2=B2:B186))
      If they don’t work for you, then please describe your task in detail.

  22. Hello,

    I'm trying to return a % based on a range. So for instance. If a discount is between 20%-29%, I want it to return a 3% value. If the discount is between 30% - 39%, I want it to return a 4% value and so on. How do I write this statement? What am I doing wrong?


  23. I am stuck on expanding this IF statement. The below IF - AND - OR works fine, but..
    =IF(AND(OR(A9="Kevin",A9="Nick"),F9>=(--"10:00 AM")),"good","Bad")

    I want to expand the about to add another name to the OR check and a different time

    for example, I would like A9="Joe" with the F9 check to 8:00 am

    I have tried every combination with multiple IF statements but can't seem to expand this check. At some point, I would like to grow this by 8-10 names and 4-5 times.

    Any help would be appreciated

  24. Hi, i have a a scenario for programe "Annaul procedure review", with frequencey 1year and 3 years and five years. Plz suggest me formula for that scenario.

  25. Dear Sir,

    I have a excel file which created by my superior, I tried to understand how the formula works but in a mist of the logic, please see below the formula:


    ES$2 = 31 Mar 2021; M14519 = 28 Mar 2021; N14519 = 27 Mar 2022; K14519 = 41600; Q14519 = 365
    ES$1 = 31

    Basically this formula created to work out the fee amount by month accordingly to the lump sum amount and the contract start/end period.

    I am in a mist of the setup of this part "IF(MONTH(ES$2)=MONTH($M14519)" & what is the relationship of the $K14519/$Q14519*(ES$1),$K14519/$Q14519*ES$1) with the first half of the formula? Why K14519/Q14519*(ES$1) appeared twice in the formula?


    • Hello!
      It doesn't make any sense that TRUE and FALSE are the same in an IF function. Expression
      can be replaced with

  26. Hello! Can you please assist me on the below?

    I have 4 Cells (B4:E4) consisting of dependent drop-down lists where a final solution is to appear in Cell B5. Until the final solution appears, it always indicates "PENDING".

    Unfortunately, I have run into a couple of situations where I have received the 8,192 character limit error.

    If I have various scenarios that look similar to the below, how could this be written differently to help with my character limit issue? I have attempted practicing with other formulas just on this small set of lines (ex. IF(AND(OR, IF(OR(AND, IFS..), however I cannot make them work but truly I have no experience using those 3 formulas. Forgive me, but you are working with someone who is still learning but definitely tries!





    Again, these are only a set of lines. If you need more, please just let me know. Here is a list of all drop-down's if preferred.



    CELL D4 (THE INFO ON THE FORM IS or CONSISTS OF... dependent drop-downs based on what is selected in cell B4) =

    E4 (available if C4 drop-down is "YES", asking if the info provided matches what the system currently shows) =

    • Note: Line 6 of formula should have indicated B4="MI" (not B4="ML").... sorry about that :/

      • Me again! DISREGARD! I went back through everything and re-tried the very last example above
        ** IF AND OR ..... =IF(AND(OR(B2=$G$1,B2= $G$2), C2>$G$3), "x", "") ** ....

        It worked on my side as:


        I am not sure what I did incorrectly when trying it earlier on my side, but thrilled right now! Thank you!

    • Hi!
      I didn't quite understand where the error occurred with a large number of characters. But you can reduce the number of characters in the formula if you write a long text in separate cells and make references to these cells in the formula.
      For example, instead of
      I hope this will help.

  27. I have formulas that I need to combine together.
    D2 = tool size
    We have small, med/lg, and critical. So if the mold is above 351 (med/lg) it pulls information from another sheet and put in corresponding row. If under 350 (small), then it put in that row. We have added the "critical" criteria, so I need the formula to look at tool size and look to see if the tool size listed has a "C" after it. If the tool size has a "C" after it, then it needs to go to the critical row, otherwise it needs to go to small or med/l

    =IF(D$2>351,'Project Readiness'!I40,0)
    =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("C",D$2)),'Project Readiness'!I40,"0")

    TOOl # 2
    TOOL SIZE 1300C
    small 0
    med/l 22
    critical 22

    =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(FIND("C",D$2)),D$2>351),'Project Readiness'!I40,"0")

    This didn't work because it still pulled in based on size to the med/l and the critical based on the "C"

  28. Hello there,
    Thank you for such insightful site!
    I tried following your web but I still don't really get the logic, and when i tried my formula below, some of the case it's good, but some of the case it said FALSE. I think there's something missing in my formula.

    Input: Row E is every 25th of the month, no matter what day it is
    Wanted Output : I want to create an automatic calendar for every 25th of the month for payroll system.
    The condition is, if 25th of the month is a public holiday or weekends (Saturday, Sunday), it should be moved to H-1 (24th) or the nearest working day.

    What I get right now:


    This is the description of the formula
    =IF(COUNTIF($H$22:$H$25,E13)>0, [to see If 25th is a public holiday]
    IF(WEEKDAY(EDATE(E13,0),12)>5, EDATE(E13,0)-(WEEKDAY(EDATE(E13,0),12)-4),
    [if the public holiday falls on Sunday or Monday- 6 or 7, then this is to move the date to nearest weekday - Friday]
    IF(WEEKDAY(EDATE(E13,0),12)5,EDATE(E13,0)-(WEEKDAY(EDATE(E13,0),2)-5),[if no, 25th of the month is not a public holiday but it is on weekend Saturday, Sunday, then this is to move the date to nearest weekday - Friday
    EDATE(E13,0))))) [if the 25th is a workday]

    I hope you understand what I'm trying to say since it is a bit complicated and English is not my first language.
    I would very highly appreciate it if you can help me with this!

    Many thanks, Dahlia

    • Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(WEEKDAY(E13,2) > 5,IF(COUNTIF($H$22:$H$25,E13-WEEKDAY(E13,2)+5) > 0,E13-WEEKDAY(E13,2)+4,E13))

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      • Hi, thank you for replying!

        I tried the formula but sometimes the result is FALSE

        For example, i put the E13 date is Monday, 2nd May 2022 which is a holiday, so it should be Friday, 29 April 2022 but the result written FALSE.

        Also, I have a case if the holiday happened at Monday, 2 May 2022 and Friday, 29 April 2022, can you help me to revise the formula?

        Thank yiu so much for your help!

        • Hi!
          I don't know which days of the week are your holidays. Therefore, if necessary, change the argument of the WEEKDAY function as you need. In this formula, the first day of the week is Monday. Holidays are 6 and 7 days.

          =IF(WEEKDAY(E13,2) > 5,IF(COUNTIF($H$22:$H$25,E13-WEEKDAY(E13,2)+5) > 0,E13-WEEKDAY(E13,2)+4,E13-WEEKDAY(E13,2)+5),IF(COUNTIF($H$22:$H$25,E13) > 0,IF(WEEKDAY(E13,2)=1,E13-3,E13),E13))

          • Hey! Thank you very much again for replying!
            This formula works well, but I'm getting new issue now.

            So, if i want to apply the formula to holiday that falls on Tuesday or other weekdays (except monday) then how i should add the formula but different weekday function?

            • Hi, a little update on the formula so I tried to move here and there, now it kinda work for 3 holidays in a row on the weekdays, but now it can not filter the weekends anymore

              here is the formula:







              I want to fix it but I think it makes the formula even harder, again can you please help me the formula?

              Really really appreciate your help!

  29. Hello, I have multiple conditions for calculating faculty workload and can't seem to get my formula right. The original formula was:

    However I need to check some conditions before performing the operation above.
    -If the total workload credits are >= 24
    -And the total contact hours are >= 48
    -Then run =IF((AD80-40)/2>0,(AD80-40)/2,"--")

    Is this possible?

  30. I would like to use the If(And) formula shown in this page but looking at distinct numbers in a large excel like user id's, for example. How could I use this formula to search many rows of data for a specific column?

    I was thinking vlookup with the IF(And) within it but I was unable to get the syntax correct.

    • Hi!
      Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve.
      There are a lot of formulas on this page. Please describe your problem in more detail.

  31. Hi there,
    Thank you for such a valuable site!
    Question: I have a check out system for items where I need the item to show status in column C:
    -Blank if there is no date entered as due
    -"Not due" if there is a date that does not exceed today's date
    -"Overdue" if there is a date past today's date
    -"Returned" if there is a date entered into the Returned cell.
    Column C is Status, D is Item, E is Name, F is Notes, G is Due Back Date, H is Returned Date
    The formula I have so far that works to address the first 3 criteria using line 8 as my example:
    =IF(ISBLANK(G8),"",IF(G8<TODAY(),"Overdue","Not due"))
    but I cannot figure out how to get the final criteria to supersede the other criteria if a return date is present in H8 with a result of "Returned".
    If you can help with this I would appreciate it very much!
    Many thanks - Georgina

      • Totally worked thank you SO much!! I really appreciate the help!

      • As fate would have it - I actually saw the formula working and now it is no longer working....
        Here is what I have on line 8:
        =(ISNUMBER(H8),"Returned",IF(ISBLANK(G8),"", IF(G8<TODAY(),"Overdue","Not due")))
        Initially this exact formula showed a value of "Returned", when a return date was entered into H8. After going back to it and entered more data it only showed "Overdue" as the value even though a date (correct format) was entered into the Returned Date field, now I am receiving nothing but a "There's a problem with this formula" prompt. Please help again...

        • Hello!
          You didn't exactly copy the formula.

          =IF(ISNUMBER(H8),"Returned",IF(ISBLANK(G8),"",IF(G8 < TODAY(),"Overdue","Not due")))

          • Well that's embarrassing - my apologies for wasting your time in responding as I have been using the full formula and it is not working
            This is a direct paste from the first line (row 2):
            =IF(ISNUMBER(H2),"Returned",IF(ISBLANK(G2),"",IF(G2 < TODAY(),"Overdue","Not due")))

            Am I missing something else?
            Continued gratitude for your help,

            • Hi!
              I'm not sure I understand your conditions, but try this formula -

              =IF(ISBLANK(G8),"",IF(ISNUMBER(H8),"Returned",IF(G8 > TODAY(),"Overdue","Not due")))

              • With 2 minor tweaks of your formula corrections it is now working. Here's what ended up working:
                =IF(ISBLANK(G2),"",IF(ISTEXT(H2),"Returned",IF(G2 > TODAY(),"Not due","Overdue")))

                The "ISNUMBER" would not accept a date as the data so I changed it to "ISTEXT" and switched Overdue and Not due and all working now.

                If it wasn't for your kindness in giving alternate solutions I would still be experiencing such frustration.

                Alexander - Thank you thank you thank you!!

              • Hi!
                ISNUMBER doesn't work because your date is written as text. This is not normal, but I cannot know about it. For a normal date, ISNUMBER works, since a date is a number.

              • You have been extremely helpful - cannot thank you enough!

    • Good day from South Africa. I am struggling with a formula containing AND and OR.
      All books with cost prices between $50 and $80 (both prices included) on Accounting (Acc) and Tax supplied by the publisher Butterworths. Cost price is in column F, Type of book is in Column D and the publisher is in column E.
      My formula:

      Why is my formula not working?
      Thank you

      • On the same topic I also have the following question where my formula is not working:

        Extract a list of all Afrikaans, English and Japanese (Column I) books and DVD's (Column G) that were issued since 2000 (Column D), the year 2000 excluded.

        My formula:

        Please help me - I would be very grateful. I find putting the formula in three different line using the ALT + ENTER option, splits them so that I can understand them, but as soon as I need to string them together, I somehow fail.

        Thank you and kind regards

  32. can help me to work my formula. I need generate PASS Or fail with sample size and major and minor damage.

  33. Hello

    I have a list of students from countries all over the world and I would like to complete a column which says which continent they are from.

    For example if a students comes from Spain , I want Europe to be written in the continent column and find a formula that can do that.
    I don't know if it's possible though.
    I would like to have all the continents ( Europe, Amercia , Asia ...) and every country on our list to be enclosed in one specific continent. We have almost all countries in the world, it's a lot of names.

    Something like if (student column A) ( column B spain , France, italy , germany (and so on) , " Europe" " America" "Asia".. )

    I went through all the examples mentionned and I tried many times different formulas but I can get my head around it. Help would be highly appreciated

    Many thanks

      • Many thanks for your quick reply !!

        I had a look at this function but it's not what I am looking for because from the list of students coming from all over the world I won't be able to differenciate the countries and have a specific country aattributed to matching continents

        I had another idead, I have listed European countries under the number 1 , Asian countries under th number 2 and so on ..
        I am now looking to have a function to say in colum A (the countries from the students list I want to identify as continents) in the column the following (B1:B5) is Europe , (B16:B50) is Asia ...) so if B16 then it's Asia , if it's B4 then it's Europe

        Sorry I hope I made myself clear

  34. Hi, I need an help in the IF formula in number and text combined. I will post the test can resolve this for or suggest the what can I do for this.

    A B
    1600 A Team
    1601 A Team
    1602 A Team
    1603 A Team
    1604 B Team
    1605 B Team
    1606 B Team

    If I enter the any code number in A2 cell and the B2 auto pick the correct team. this is what i want can you please give me the solution for this.

    I have 100 combination like this and to complete the task my self only.

    • Hello!
      If I understand the problem correctly, you can find the command that matches the code using the VLOOKUP function. You can find examples and detailed instructions in this article.
      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      • Thank you for the help Mr. Alex

  35. Hi! I have built a formula that calculates when we need to send out an order (20 days after receiving previous order), based on how many months were ordered. I built in an IF function that hides numbers if there isn't any data in the formula. Now I want to add into the formula that stops calculating a ship date if there are no more paid orders. I have another column that has how many months were purchased. How do I integrate an AND function into this that would only calculate if months>2? I cannot get the formula to compute.

    =IF([@[First order Delivered/Received]]="","",[@[First order Delivered/Received]]+20)

    • Hi!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(AND([@[First order Delivered/Received]]=””,[@[months_purchased]]>2) ,””,[@[First order Delivered/Received]]+20)

      • Hi!

        Thanks so much for the response. For some reason, it isn't. It is still calculating, even when the number of months is 2. The formula makes sense to me as well.

  36. Hey, i am looking for formula that can calculate at different amounts. For example. I have 40 apples, but the first 10 apples are at $2, the other 11 to 30 apples @ $2.50 and any apples over 40 @ $3.00. Then get the summation of all this in one cell.

    can someone help.


  37. Hi I am trying to work out a formula to update on cell based on the conditions of 2 cells.
    If Cell 1 = 2 and Cell 2 = Yes then cell 3 should = No. Hope that is a clear expalanation

  38. Previously posted incorrectly.

    I am trying to get formula to return either 19/20 20/21 or 21/22 depending on when the date falls.

    However the formula does not seem to be working.


  39. I cannot understand why my formula is not working.

    • Hello!
      You need a parenthesis at the end of your formula. Then it will work properly if it matches your data.


  40. I am working to get a formula that calculates if (D6 says "Yes" and C6 says "Pay Run" ,B6*26) or if (D6 Says "Yes" and C6 says "Month", B6*12) or if (D6 says "Yes" and C6 says "Year", B6*1) or if D6 says "No" return 0.00.

    I have tried =IF(AND(D6="Yes",C6="Pay run"),B6*26,IF(OR(D6="Yes",C6="Month"),B6*12,IF(OR(D6="Yes",C6="Year"),B6*1,"0"))) and this works for D6 saying "Yes" and C6 saying "Pay Run" and D6 saying "Yes" and C6 saying "Month" but doesn't work for D6 saying "Yes" and C6 saying "Year" or if D6 says "No"

    Can you help?

    • Hi!
      Replace OR with AND in the formula

      =IF(AND(D6=”Yes”,C6=”Pay run”),B6*26,IF(AND(D6=”Yes”,C6=”Month”),B6*12,IF(AND(D6=”Yes”,C6=”Year”),B6*1,”0″)))

      • Thank you for your quick reply! This works perfectly - thank you!

  41. I'm trying to return a date in another worksheet if S3 is showing an N/A. I'm using this formula that is working but I need to go a step further. I'm looking to show blank/nothing in the cell if S3 doesn't equal N/A, what do i need to add to make that happen?

    =IFNA(S3,VLOOKUP(@N:N,Completed_Ocean[[Equipment '#]:[Date and Time '@ Consolidator]],26,FALSE))


      • This worked, thanks for the help and all the insight the site provides!!

  42. Hi

    i need help doing something very simple - i need a certain cell to say 0 if the cell previous says CLOSED.

    What formula do i use?


  43. I am trying to do a compensation file based on full-time and part-time FTE to come back with -$500 if they do not meet a certain number of meetings. I can't get the below formula to work, but the work separately but I need to combine them. Any/all help with this matter is greatly appreciatied


    Fulltime fte 3 or more meetings or -500
    parttime fte l.5 or more meetins or -500

    • Hi!
      Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. However, I’ll try to guess and offer you the following formula:


  44. I am Trying to =if(and(E11="Gram",G11>=1.08,G11=3.7,G11<=4),"Pass","Fail"))) then I will add more depending on packaging requirements. How do I Create a single "If/and formula" all based on what Product is entered into Column E to show a pass fail in column I based on the weights entered into column G?

  45. Hello! I am trying to set up a code with two conditions and three options within each condition. The value I would like to generate in E depends on BOTH columns C and D.

    I would like to do the following if the value in D is =30,"3",
    IF(C1>=20,"1","0"))) /=70:
    IF(C1>=22,"1","0"))) /=20 and D/=22 and D>/=70.

    I understand how to do these arguments separately (as written above), but I would like to combine the arguments into a single code, where, depending on the value in D, different conditions for C are applied. Not sure how to apply 'AND' arguments in this scenario. Thank you for your help!

    • Hello!
      According to your formula, I cannot understand all the conditions. What is D is = 30, ”3 ″ or D / = 22 and D> / = 70?
      At the same time, the article above has all the necessary information to write the formula

  46. Hi, Thank you for the great content. I have a question related to the the following formula I have created:


    • Hi!
      I am not sure I fully understand what you mean. Part of the formula is missing.
      Please describe your problem in more detail. Write an example of the source data and the result you want to get.

  47. Hello Sir,

    How do you formulate a scenario like this "if studentA is taking a maths subject this semester as per this class registration list, then they should pay $1000.
    I have list of students pursuing different subjects this semester, but each subject is charged a different rate.

    Thank you!

  48. I am trying to find a formula to calculate a commission value.

    Here is the table:

    Goal Attainment Commission Value
    0 - 15% $- 0.00
    16% - 30% $10.00
    31% - 40% $12.00
    41% - 50% $15.00
    51%+ $20.00

    The formula I came up with is:


    This keeps resulting in #NAME?

    I am using MS Excel for Mac version 16.54

    • sorry, type O in above table. this is what I am using


  49. Is there a way to have the "value_if_true" be the contend of a cell that is not always the same? (i.e. a name generated by a sign up list)

    I tried this: =IF(AND($A$3="Ms.Atchison",$B$3=G$1),$C$3," ")

    The false value is just leaving the cell blank. In C3 is the name of the person that signed up with Ms. Atchison. $B3$3=G$1 is the time of the confernce transposed.

      • 11/11/21 3:30 PM 3:40 PM 3:50 PM
        Conference Name Appt Time Last Name First Name
        Ms. Atchison 6:30 PM Kim-Gorup Lia
        Mrs. Blanchard 3:30 PM Turner Levi
        Mrs. Blanchard 3:40 PM Rectenwald June
        Mrs. Blanchard 3:50 PM Robinson Rayna

        The report I was able to download has all of the conferences listed as seen on the left: teacher name (column A), Appt. Time (column B), Student last name (column C). I would like to transpose this information so the times are in columns start in column G through column AD (10 minute intervals). So when the time in column B is equal to time in column G through AD AND the teacher name is in column A, the last name listed in column C will show up in the cell under the matching time. I would then have the teacher name listed in column F with the last names under the times going across the row.

        Hopefully that makes more sense.

        • Hello!
          Unfortunately, your question is not clear. What do you want to write in the cell under the time - a name from A1 or from C1?

          • I am wanting to have the name in column C1, which in this case would be Kim- Gorup.

            • Hi!
              Your formula prints the name from cell C3 in one of the cells F3:AD3 versus the time in cells F1:AD1. Isn't that what you want?

              • Yes, it is what I want, however, if I change the teacher's name from "Mrs. Atchison" to another teacher, that shows up in column A more than once, it will only fill the first name in Column C even if all the other criteria match.

                For example: Blanchard is in the next 13 cells in column A (A4-A16) with various times in Column B and different names in Column C.

                If I adjust the formula, removing $ before the cell number, before $A3 and $B3, it will pick up the first conference for Blanchare at 3:30 (time in B4), but it will not copy across the row and pick up the conferences that show up in lines A5-A16.

  50. Good Day sir,

    What formula could I use to write the following in excel:

    if =26 but =51 but =76 but <=100 Print 10%

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