Tutorials, videos, useful tips for Excel, Outlook and Google Sheets, page 5

How to create dynamic Outlook email templates for the current user

Let's say, you have a really nice template, and your teammates would be happy to use it in their correspondence, but you're stuck on making this template dynamic. The problem is that each of your colleagues would like to get a different image, an individual attachment, and some specific text added to the template every time they use it. Continue reading

Debug user defined functions

As you already know how to create UDFs (and, I hope, you’ve also tried applying them in your Excel), let’s dig a bit deeper and see what can be done in case your user defined function is not working. Continue reading

How to split Google Sheets into multiple sheets or files

When you work with a large Google spreadsheet, you may find yourself constantly filtering the table to get only particular datasets. Wouldn't it be best to split all info into multiple separate sheets or even files in Drive? If so, today I invite you to split your sheets and spreadsheets together. Pick the way you want to get your data and follow the steps described there. Continue reading

Converting CSV to Excel: problems and solutions

The name CSV (comma separated values) implies the use of comma to separate data fields. But that is in theory. In practice, many so-called CSV files separate data using other characters such as semicolon or tabs. The lack of standard spawns various problems with CSV to Excel conversions. Continue reading

Excel Data Validation using regular expressions

When it comes to restricting user input in Excel worksheets, Data Validation is indispensable. It can do anything you can possibly imagine. What if I want to allow entering only valid email addresses or strings that match a specific pattern? Alas, that's not possible. Regex you say? Hmm… that might work! Continue reading

CONCAT function in Excel to join text strings

Traditionally, string concatenation in Excel is done with the help of the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand symbol. In modern Excel, these old-school methods give way to CONCAT - a newer and improved function to combine text from multiple cells into one cell. Continue reading

How to add text or character to every cell in Excel

When working with text data in Excel, you may sometimes need to add the same text to existing cells to make things clearer. For example, you might want to put some prefix at the beginning of each cell, insert a special symbol at the end, or place certain text before a formula. Continue reading

How to remove characters/text from string in Excel

In this tutorial, we will look at the most common cases of removing characters in Excel. Want to delete specific text from multiple cells? Or maybe strip the first or last character in a string? Or perhaps remove only a specific occurrence of a given character? Whatever your task is, you will find more than one solution for it! Continue reading

How to share files securely with OneDrive

There are a few different ways to share documents on OneDrive, and you may be asking yourself which is the best one. For the most part, the answer depends on the situation and your ultimate goals. But I can show you the most secure way. Continue reading

How to share OneDrive files and folders

Like most other online storages, OneDrive was designed with collaboration in mind, and they strived to make the sharing process easy and intuitive. However, there are some caveats to take notice of, especially when adding and syncing shared files to your computer. Continue reading