Posts tagged "Excel tips & how-to", page 7

Developer tab in Excel: how to add, use and remove

You want to access one of advanced Excel features but are stuck at the very first step: where's the Developer tab they all talk about? The good news is that the Developer tab is available in every version of Excel though it is not enabled by default. This article shows how to quickly activate it. Continue reading

Excel CELL function with formula examples

The fastest way to get some specific information about a cell in Excel is to use the CELL function. Among other things, it can tell you whether a cell is protected or not, retrieve the cell address and value, show a full path to the workbook that contains the cell, and a lot more. Continue reading

Excel cell reference: how to make and use

As simple as it seems, Excel cell reference confuses many users. How is a cell address defined in Excel? What is an absolute and relative reference and when each should be used? In this tutorial, you will find answers to these and many more questions. Continue reading

Structured reference in Excel tables

One of the most useful features of Excel tables are structured references. When you have just stumbled upon a special syntax for referencing tables, it may look boring and confusing, but after experimenting a bit you will surely see how useful and cool this feature is. Continue reading

How to do Spearman correlation in Excel

When doing correlation analysis in Excel, in most cases you will deal with the Pearson correlation. But when the underlying assumptions of the Pearson correlation (continuous variables, linearity, and normality) are not met, you can do the Spearman rank correlation instead of Pearson's. Continue reading

Correlation in Excel: coefficient, matrix and graph

One of the simplest statistical calculations that you can do in Excel is correlation. Though simple, it is very useful in understanding the relations between two or more variables. Microsoft Excel provides all the necessary tools to run correlation analysis, you just need to know how to use them. Continue reading

Excel trendline types, equations and formulas

It is very easy to add a trendline in Excel. The only real challenge is to choose the trendline type that best corresponds to the type of data you are analyzing. In this tutorial, you will find the detailed description of all the trendline options available in Excel and when to use them. Continue reading

How to add trendline in Excel chart

When plotting data in a graph, you may often want to visualize the general trend in your data. This can be done by adding a trendline to a chart. Luckily, Microsoft Excel has made inserting a trend line very easy, especially in newer versions. Continue reading

How to copy and move sheets in Excel

There may be many situations when you need to create a new spreadsheet based on an existing one or move a tab from one Excel file to another. Luckily, there exist a few easy and quick ways to duplicate sheets in Excel. Continue reading

How to remove blank cells in Excel

Empty cells are not bad if you are intentionally leaving them in right places for aesthetic reasons. But blank cells in wrong places are certainly undesirable. Luckily, there is a relatively easy way to remove blanks in Excel. Continue reading