Calculating weekdays in Excel - WORKDAY and NETWORKDAYS functions
This short tutorial explains the use of Excel NETWORKDAYS and WORKDAY functions to calculate workdays with custom weekend parameters and holidays. Continue reading
This short tutorial explains the use of Excel NETWORKDAYS and WORKDAY functions to calculate workdays with custom weekend parameters and holidays. Continue reading
In this tutorial, you will find a variety of useful formulas to add and subtract dates in Excel, such as subtracting two dates, adding days, months and years to a date, and more. Continue reading
This tutorial explains the syntax and uses of the Excel YEAR function and provides formula examples to extract year from date, convert date to month and year, calculate age from the date of birth and determine leap years. Continue reading
In this short tutorial, we will briefly talk about the syntax and arguments of Excel WEEKNUM, and then discuss a few formula examples demonstrating how you can use the WEEKNUM function to calculate week numbers in your Excel worksheets. Continue reading
The tutorial explains the nuts and bolts of Excel MONTH and EOMONTH functions. You will find an array of formula examples demonstrating how to extract month from date in Excel, get the first and last day of the month, convert month name to number and more. Continue reading
There are a variety of functions to work with days in Excel. The day of week function (WEEKDAY) is particularly useful for planning and scheduling, for example to determine the timeframe of a project and automatically remove weekends from the total. Continue reading
The article explains how to use the Excel TEXT function and a variety of other ways to convert dates to text in Excel. Continue reading
The tutorial explains how to use Excel functions to convert text to date and how to turn text strings into dates in a non-formula way. You will also learn how to quickly change a number to date format. Continue reading
This tutorial demonstrates various ways of entering dates in Excel. See how to insert today's date and current time as static or dynamic values, how to auto populate a column or row with weekdays, and how to auto fill random dates in Excel. Continue reading
The first part of our tutorial focuses of formatting dates in Excel and explains how to set the default date and time formats, how to change date format in Excel, how to create custom date formatting, and convert your dates to another locale. Continue reading
The tutorial focuses on Excel array formula examples and demonstrates how to use Excel functions that support calculations in arrays to count cells that meet several conditions, sum values in every Nth row, count any given character in a range, and more. Continue reading
In this tutorial, you will learn what an Excel array formula is, how to enter it correctly in your worksheets, and how to use array constants and array functions in Excel. Continue reading
Initially, Excel was designed to work with numbers. Fortunately, the developers of this helpful application didn't forget about text. Below, you'll find a number of formulas for counting characters in Excel. Just look through the examples and see which one best suits your needs. Continue reading
In this tutorial, you will find a number of Excel INDEX formula examples that demonstrate the most efficient uses of INDEX in Excel. Continue reading
The tutorial explains the arcane twists of the OFFSET function and covers the most efficient ways to use OFFSET in Excel. Continue reading
This Excel INDIRECT tutorial explains the function's syntax, basic uses and provides a number of formula examples that demonstrate how to use INDIRECT in Excel. Continue reading
The tutorial explains the compound interest formula for Excel and provides examples of how to calculate the future value of the investment at annual, monthly or daily compounding interest rate. You will also find the detailed steps to create your own Excel compound interest calculator. Continue reading
Last week we tapped into the insight of Excel logical operators that are used to compare data in different cells. Today, you will see how to extend the use of logical operators and construct more elaborate logical tests to perform more complex calculations and more powerful data analysis. Excel logical functions such as AND, OR, XOR and NOT will help you in doing this. Continue reading
Many tasks you perform in Excel involve comparing data in different cells. For this, Microsoft Excel provides six logical operators, which are also called comparison operators. This tutorial aims to help you understand the insight of Excel logical operators and write the most efficient formulas for your data analysis. Continue reading
For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading
IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading
This tutorial explains the difference between the SUMIF and SUMIFS functions in terms of their syntax and usage, and provides a number of formula examples to sum values with multiple AND / OR criteria in Excel. Continue reading
If you are faced with a task that requires conditional sum in Excel, the SUMIF function is what you need. It is a really great function that can help you make sense of an incomprehensible set of diverse data. Instead of adding up all numbers in a range, it lets you sum only those values that meet your criteria. Continue reading
This tutorial shows how to sum a column in Excel 2010-2013. Try out 5 different ways to total columns: find the sum of the selected cells on the Status bar, use AutoSum in Excel to sum all or only filtered cells, employ the SUM function or convert your range to Table for easy calculations. Continue reading
This tutorial shows how to convert number to text in Excel 2016 - 2010. See how to accomplish the task with the Excel TEXT function and use number to string to specify the formatting. Learn how to change number format to text with the Format Cells… and Text to Columns options. Continue reading
The tutorial explains how you can quickly cope with VLOOKUP not working problems in Excel, troubleshoot and fix common errors and overcome VLOOKUP's limitations. Continue reading
The tutorial explains how to make Excel VLOOKUP case-sensitive, demonstrates a few other formulas that can look up case in Excel and points out strengths and limitations of each function. Continue reading
This tutorial demonstrates the key strengths of Excel's INDEX / MATCH function that make it superior to VLOOKUP. You will find a number of formula examples that will help you easily cope with many complex tasks when VLOOKUP fails. Continue reading
In this tutorial, you will find a handful of advanced formula examples that demonstrate how to use Excel's VLOOKUP and SUM or SUMIF functions to look up and sum values based on one or several criteria. Continue reading
In this VLOOKUP tutorial, you will find a number of advanced formula examples that demonstrate how to look up with multiple criteria, use two VLOOKUP functions in one formula, dynamically pull data from different sheets, and more. Continue reading