Posts tagged "Excel tips & how-to", page 3

How to group columns in Excel

If you feel overwhelmed or confused about the extensive content of your worksheet, you can organize the columns in groups to easily hide and show different parts of your sheet, so that only the relevant information is visible. Continue reading

How to find sum of largest N numbers in Excel

In some situations, you may need to sum specific numbers in a range, say top 3, 5, 10 or n. That might be a challenge because Excel has no inbuilt function for this. But as always, there is nothing that would prevent you from constructing your own formulas :) Continue reading

How to use ISERROR function in Excel

When you write a formula that Excel does not understand or cannot calculate, it draws your attention to the problem by showing an error message. The ISERROR function can help you catch errors and provide an alternative when an error is found. Continue reading

Debug user defined functions

As you already know how to create UDFs (and, I hope, you’ve also tried applying them in your Excel), let’s dig a bit deeper and see what can be done in case your user defined function is not working. Continue reading

Converting CSV to Excel: problems and solutions

The name CSV (comma separated values) implies the use of comma to separate data fields. But that is in theory. In practice, many so-called CSV files separate data using other characters such as semicolon or tabs. The lack of standard spawns various problems with CSV to Excel conversions. Continue reading

Excel Data Validation using regular expressions

When it comes to restricting user input in Excel worksheets, Data Validation is indispensable. It can do anything you can possibly imagine. What if I want to allow entering only valid email addresses or strings that match a specific pattern? Alas, that's not possible. Regex you say? Hmm… that might work! Continue reading