No Ablebits tabs in Outlook after installation

How to enable Ablebits in Outlook manually


If you cannot see Ablebits tabs in Outlook, first please make sure that you installed the add-in correctly.

To enable the Ablebits tabs manually, please follow the instructions below.

Make sure the add-in isn't disabled

  1. Click File -> Options -> Add-ins:
    Open Options in Outlook
  2. Choose Disabled Items from the Manage drop-down list at the bottom of the window and click Go:
    Select Disabled items
  3. If the add-in is in the list, select it and click the Enable button.
  4. Make sure the add-in loads correctly (follow the instructions below).

Make sure the add-in loads correctly

  1. In Outlook, click File -> Options.
  2. Go to the Add-ins tab.
  3. Click the Manage drop-down list, select COM Add-ins, and click Go:
    Click COM Add-ins
  4. Find the add-in in the list.
  5. If the add-in is unchecked, check it and click the OK button in the COM Add-ins dialog window.
  6. If the add-in is checked, uncheck it and click OK. Then open the dialog window again and check the add-in item. The tab should appear in the ribbon.

If there is no Ablebits in the COM Add-ins dialog box

If you can't find the Ablebits add-ins in the COM Add-ins dialog box, please load manually the add-in in Outlook.


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