How to load Add-ins Collection for Outlook manually

No Ablebits tabs in Office 365 installed from Store


Important! Before reading this post, please note that if you use Office installed from Microsoft Store, we strongly recommend you switch to the Office Desktop version by following the instructions on this page. Office from Store is full of surprises and in order to avoid other issues, it is better to install Office Desktop instead.

If you use Microsoft Office 365 installed from Microsoft Store, most probably, after installing the Add-ins Collection for Outlook, you won't find the Ablebits tabs in the ribbon and the add-in won't appear in the list of COM Add-ins.

Please take the steps below to manually add the Ablebits program into Outlook.

Tip. Not sure if you have the Office version installed from Store? Here is an easy way to find out.

Detect the bit version of Microsoft Office (32-bit or 64-bit)

  1. Start Outlook and click the File tab in the top left corner.
  2. Select Office Account from the menu on the left and click About Outlook in the Product Information section:
    How to find the Office details.
  3. When the dialog box opens, you'll see the full version number and bit version (32- or 64-bit) of your Office at the top:
    Find out the bit version of Office.
    Keep in mind your bit version.

Manually load the add-in in Outlook

  1. Click File in the ribbon again and go to Options.
  2. Choose Add-ins on the left side of the Outlook Options dialog window:
    Click on the Add-ins section.
  3. Open the Manage drop-down list, select COM Add-ins, and click Go:
    Click COM Add-ins.
  4. If the Ablebits add-in is not listed in the COM Add-ins dialog box, click the Add button on the right side:
    Click the Add button.
  5. Browse to the add-in's installation folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Ablebits\Add-ins Collection for Microsoft Outlook\

    Note. If you can't find the AppData folder, it may be hidden. To make it visible, go to File Explorer and check the Hidden Items box on the View tab:
    Check the Hidden box.
  6. Find and select:

    • adxloader.dll for 32-bit Outlook
    • adxloader64.dll if you run 64-bit Outlook

    Select the adxloader for your bit Office version.
    Click Open.

  7. The Ablebits add-in has been added to the COM Add-ins list. Click OK:
    The Ablebits add-in is in the COM Add-ins list.

    Now the add-in should appear in the ribbon:
    Add-ins Collection for Outlook in the ribbon.
    If you have difficulties on any of the above steps or the instructions don't work for you, please leave your comment below or contact us at Our support service assistants will do their best to help you solve the problem.


Joris Christiaans says:
July 22, 2020 at 2:37 pm

Good day,

It seems like Ablebit Auto BCC has 'disappeared' from my Outlook. I followed all the solutions that are mention on the troubleshoot pages, but I just can't find the Auto BCC add-in.

Should I re-download the software or can you help me retrieving the add-in?

Kind regards,

Daniel Akinrinlola says:
February 17, 2020 at 2:23 pm


despite checking ther is no hidden file, I can not find way to instal Ablebi.

Can you please help?

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for contacting us. If you are trying to install our Add-ins Collection for Outlook, here are the instructions for you:

If however you have the add-in installed, but don't see the Ablebits tab in your Outlook Ribbon, please follow the steps described here to fix the issue:

If these instructions don't work for you or the problem you're having is different, please describe it in more detail. We will try our best to help you.


despite checking ther is no hidden file, I can not find way to instal Ablebi.

Can you please help?

Katerina Bespalaya (Ablebits Team) says:
December 11, 2019 at 1:05 pm


Our support service assistant has just replied to you by email. Please check your Inbox. Thank you.

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