Shared Email Templates for Microsoft Outlook / Gmail

Attach files to templates

With Shared Email Templates, you can automatically attach files from OneDrive, SharePoint, URLs, or Google Drive. You can also attach files from datasets and set reminders so as not to forget to attach files from your local storage.

Before you start

Pay attention to the following points:

  • There are two ways to attach files: with the Message attachments button in the template editor and by using the Attach macro. These are two different processes, so files that you attach with the help of the Attach macro won't be shown in the Message attachments dialog.
  • You might face limitations on the size and number of attachments that are different in Office 365,, and Exchange Server. If you see an error message saying that your attachment can't be added, please check the size of your file and try to decrease it.
  • To avoid signing in to your Microsoft account each time you attach files from OneDrive or SharePoint, enable the SSO option.
  • When attaching a file from OneDrive in a template that is shared with other users, make sure that your teammates have access to the corresponding file or folder in OneDrive. For example, you can create a special folder in your OneDrive, share it with all your teammates, and collect all the documents that you share in templates there. For detailed information on managing access in OneDrive, visit the Share OneDrive files and folders page on the Microsoft Support website.
  • When attaching a file from SharePoint in a template that is shared with other users, make sure that your teammates have access to the corresponding file or folder in SharePoint. For detailed information on managing access in SharePoint, visit the Share SharePoint files or folders page on the Microsoft Support website.
  • When you attach files, the add-in transfers the chosen file directly from your OneDrive or SharePoint to your computer.
  • When you use a template with the Attach macro to attach a file from SharePoint, you have to be logged in to SharePoint so that the macro has access to the file.
  • Attaching files from SharePoint with the Attach macro or the Message attachments button won't work on free accounts, such as, as they don't have SharePoint.
  • When attaching a file from a URL in a template that is shared with other users, make sure that your teammates have access to the specified URL.

Add attachments in the template editor

Attach a file from OneDrive

How to attach OneDrive files to Outlook email templates

How to attach OneDrive files to Outlook email templates

By watching this video, you'll learn how to attach a file from OneDrive to your Outlook email template using the Message attachments button.

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Message attachments button.
    The Message attachments button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Click the plus sign that is on the right of OneDrive.
    The plus sign next to OneDrive
  3. Select a file.
    A OneDrive file that is going to be selected

    Tip. To upload a file from your local storage to OneDrive, select the Upload button.

    The Upload button

  4. Close the Message attachments dialog.
    An attachment from OneDrive in the Message attachments dialog

A blue dot will appear on the Message attachments button: The Message attachments button with a blue dot Don't forget to save the changes.
To add another attachment, to see what attachment(s) you've already added to your template, or to delete an attachment, click the Message attachments button again.

Attach a file from SharePoint

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Message attachments button.
    The Message attachments button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Click the plus sign that is on the right of SharePoint.
    The plus sign next to SharePoint
  3. Select a file.
    A SharePoint file that is going to be selected

    Tip. To upload a file from your local storage to SharePoint, select the Upload button.

    The Upload button

  4. Close the Message attachments dialog.
    An attachment from SharePoint in the Message attachments dialog

A blue dot will appear on the Message attachments button: The Message attachments button with a blue dot Don't forget to save the changes.
To add another attachment or to see what attachment(s) you've already added to your template, click the Message attachments button again.

Attach a file from a URL

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Message attachments button.
    The Message attachments button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Click the plus sign that is on the right of URL.
    The plus sign next to URL
  3. Enter the necessary URL and click Add.
    The Add from URL dialog

    Note. When attaching a file from a URL, do not use a link to a file stored in OneDrive, SharePoint, or Google Drive. For example, you might want to open your file in a browser, copy its address from the address bar, and paste it into the Add from URL dialog. This won't work. Or you might want to copy a link to your file when sharing it in OneDrive or Google Drive and paste it into the Add from URL dialog. This won't work either.

  4. Close the Message attachments dialog.

    An attachment from URL in the Message attachments dialog

A blue dot will appear on the Message attachments button: The Message attachments button with a blue dot Don't forget to save the changes.
To add another attachment or to see what attachment(s) you've already added to your template, click the Message attachments button again.

Attach files with a macro

Attach a file from a URL

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select Attach from URL.
    Attach from URL
  3. Instead of a sample URL, enter the necessary one. Click OK.
    The Attach from URL dialog

    Note. When attaching a file from a URL, do not use a link to a file stored in OneDrive, SharePoint, or Google Drive. For example, you might want to open your file in a browser, copy its address from the address bar, and paste it into the Attach from URL dialog. This won't work. Or you might want to copy a link to your file when sharing it in OneDrive or Google Drive and paste it into the Attach from URL dialog. This won't work either.

    Tip. With the Insert nested macro button, you can open a list of macros that can be nested and select the one you need.
    Select to nest a macro.

  4. Save your template.
    A template with the Attach macro placeholder

Attach a file from OneDrive

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select Attach from OneDrive.
    Attach from OneDrive
  3. Choose a file that is going to be attached, and then click Select.
    A OneDrive file that is going to be selected

    Tip. To upload a file from your local storage to OneDrive, select the Upload button.

    The Upload button

  4. Save your template.
    A template with the Attach macro placeholder

Attach all files from a OneDrive folder

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select Attach files from OneDrive folder.
    Attach files from OneDrive folder
  3. Choose a folder that contains the files you want to attach, and then click Select.
    A OneDrive folder
  4. Save your template.
    A template with the Attach macro placeholder

Attach a file from SharePoint

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select Attach from SharePoint.
    Attach from SharePoint
  3. Choose a file that is going to be attached, and then click Select.
    A SharePoint file that is going to be selected

    Tip. To upload a file from your local storage to SharePoint, select the Upload button.

    The Upload button

  4. Save your template.
    A template with the Attach macro placeholder

Attach all files from a SharePoint folder

  1. When creating or editing a template, click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select Attach files from SharePoint folder.
    Attach files from SharePoint folder
  3. Choose a folder that contains the files you want to attach, and then click Select.
    A SharePoint folder
  4. Save your template.
    A template with the Attach macro placeholder

Attach a file from a dataset

For step-by-step instructions on how to attach files from simple datasets, visit this help page.

Attach files from a local storage

To remind yourself to attach a file from your local storage when using a template, insert the WhatToAttach macro into the template.

  1. Start editing a template. Then click the Insert macro button.
    The Insert macro button on the template editor toolbar
  2. Select What to attach.
    What to Attach
  3. Type in any word or phrase that will prompt you to attach the necessary file. Then click OK.
    The What to attach dialog

    Tip. With the Insert nested macro button, you can open a list of macros that can be nested and select the one you need.
    Select to nest a macro.

    • With a check mark next to Required, your template won't be inserted into an email message if a file is not selected.
    • With a check mark next to Allow multiple files, it will be possible to select more than one file.
  4. Save your template.
    A template with the WhatToAttach macro placeholder

When you insert a template that contains the WhatToAttach macro, you'll see a dialog reminding you that an attachment is needed. To select a file, click Browse.
Select a file from your local storage.

Single sign-on (SSO) for OneDrive and SharePoint

If you have only one OneDrive account that is the same as your Microsoft 365 Outlook account, you can take advantage of single sign-on to avoid entering or confirming your credentials each time you attach files from OneDrive or SharePoint.

With single sign-on, you'll need to accept required permissions only once. After that, all files will be attached without any additional pop-ups.

Disable SSO

The single sign-on feature is turned on by default. If you need to attach files from different OneDrive/SharePoint accounts, turn single sign-on off:

  1. Go to the More menu, and then select Profile.
    The Profile option on the More menu
  2. Click Edit account.
    The Edit Account button
  3. Clear the checkbox next to Use single sign-on (SSO) where possible.
    The Use single sign-on (SSO) where possible checkbox
  4. Save the changes.

After turning single sign-on off, you'll be able to switch between OneDrive/SharePoint accounts when needed by clicking the icon shown in the screenshot below.
Select to switch to another OneDrive account

Important notes

Note. The single sign-on feature:

  • Is not supported in the web app. It is available only in the Outlook add-in (desktop or online).
  • Is available only if your Outlook provides mailbox API 1.9 and higher.
  • Works in Microsoft 365 accounts only and isn't supported in free accounts, such as,, or

You might see an error message in red below the Use single sign-on (SSO) where possible checkbox. In most cases, the message is related to one of the points mentioned above.

However, if you see the "SSO is not supported in your current add-in version" message, most probably, you simply need to wait a bit till the app is updated in your account. The speed of this process depends on Microsoft, and we can't influence it.

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